Saturday, July 31, 2010

Ask and it will be given....

It's been that way all my life, I suppose.....
trusting in God. I was taught at a young age
to get down on my knees before bed and say
my prayers. My instructions were simple.....
As I lay down to sleep, I asked God my soul He
would keep.
I asked God to take care of me and all my family.
"For Thine is the kingdom, the power and the
glory forever....Amen."
I taught the same prayer to my children.
I had no doubt that He heard my prayers and that
trust continues today.
As I've grown older, I've learned it's best to
thank God in the beginning of my prayers,
Thank Him for my children, my family and friends
His blessings, guidance,
happiness and peace.
And then
I praise Him
for all that He is.
Then I ask, trusting that it shall be given.
Finally, I come to Him with
gratitude and love...for
He is my Savior ....
May you sense His blessings this Lord's Day....Dee Dee