Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Lessons from Cinderella

The age of innocence.....that's
what I tell my girls about growing up
in the l950s.
On most Friday nights, my family gathered
in front of our mahogany console
television to watch "Disney."
Walt Disney had a reputation, in those days, of
producing good clean, wholesome
programs, considered appropriate for
each family member.
The closest thing to
violence, might have been
the evil witch in Snow White,
or the wicked step-mother in Cinderella.
For the most part, we learned important lessons
for a good life.
My favorite show, was Cinderella.
It is the story of a beautiful girl, falling in love with a handsome prince.
From their story, young ladies of my generation,
learned about falling in love,
Of course, we all grew up looking for our "handsome prince."
Many of us found him....I did.
I'm remembering the moral lessons found in many
Disney's productions. Somehow, they seemed
to go right along with what our parents were teaching us.
Pinocchio taught us that
telling lies can get you into
lots of trouble and none of us wanted our noses to grow.
(A few of our politicians
might learn a thing or two from this little puppet story.)
But, you know....times have changed.
For the life of me, I can't think of a single
television show I would sit down and watch with my
grandchildren. Seems the producers these days
slip in little messages with agendas to their own liking.
Even in cartoons,
children are hearing and seeing things that
misdirect the innocence of childhood, forcing
them to think on subjects and lifestyles they are
to young to understand.
I suppose our lesson here.... we should no
longer take it for granted that" so called"
family entertainment can be trusted.
So, I've had my say.....funny how Cinderella
conjured up all these thoughts.
Thinking more serious thoughts today....Dee Dee