Saturday, July 31, 2010

Victoria.....beautiful stories from the past

With all the things I've got going on, I
really didn't need any more distractions.....
but I found one today.
"Hmm....wonder what's in this box? I asked self.
I had discovered old Victoria magazines,that had been
packed away for quite a long while.
The year 1990.....took me just a moment
to realize this was twenty years ago.
This was like finding treasure,
considering Victoria is my all time favorite
As I opened the pages, I was curious to know if
women liked the same things back then. The answer
was an overwhelming ...yes, of course.
"Romantic Living Inspiring Women".....Sub Title
Oh yes....I will read from cover to cover, I thought
to myself...just as before.
But then,
I briefly turned the pages....."A Home Graced With Lace"....
"White Flowers In The Moonlight"
until finally reaching
the last page. It is there I found this.......
Chimes In My Garden
A Grandmother's Voice by Catherine Calvert
(Ms Calvert and I, were blessed with special grandmothers)
The happiness of being eight or ten or eleven at my grandmother's side is
something I still remember today whenever I catch a whiff of honeysuckle
or see a bumblebee light on a blowsy dahlia. For of all the gifts this loving
woman bestowed, the gift of the garden with its lessons of patience and
beauty and the circle of life is the one that has meant the most to me.
Sigh.....I am perfectly happy and content
as I continue to read.....Dee Dee