Thursday, July 22, 2010

Miniature Art by Dee Dee

I'm not quite sure when it all started,
but I do know how and why.
I wanted artist paper in tablet form,
small so they took up little space
on my desk.
Windpower Watercolor 6" x 9" ....
15 sheets per tablet. Seemed like the
perfect size at the time and is still my preference.
After painting this
way for over a year, I have a good size
stack of these small paintings.
Little did I know, that by drawing this
way, I was cultivating
or encouraging myself to paint and
draw in what is referred to as
"miniature art painting."
I can and have painted on
larger paper, but as a preference
my smaller artistic creations seem to
be my forte'.
Another up-side to this style....I can
perfectly illustrate my Blog post.
So for now, I am painting small and really enjoying it.....
Good Blessings for you......Dee Dee
click on painting to enlarge