Sunday, July 4, 2010

Wild Blueberries

For whatever reason, I'm not quite sure
why, I began thinking "Wild Blueberries"
today. It began with happy thoughts
of my high school years.
It was during this time,
I had my first working position,
for which I received payment.
A fashionable thing,
summer work, amongst my girlfriends,
......a prideful thing to earn one's own money.
Living in the
country, mostly surrounded by farmland,
positions for employment
were few and far between, and
mostly farm related.
I learned one summer,
picking blueberries began very early morning.
For picking, one held
a back straining, bent over position.
It is best the berries are fully ripened before picking,
and it takes quite a while to pick enough
to fill a carton.
Funny how a sweet memory, from so long ago,
popped into my present day thoughts.
As a result,
I've asked the Mister if he'd like
blueberry pancakes for breakfast, and
his response was positive, even offering
to go after the blueberries.
Thinking good tasty thoughts.....Dee Dee