Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Spiritual Guidance

My formative years
summers especially,
had leisure days,
spiritual guidance and plenty of time
to run and play outdoors.
We had the best of
circumstances for a childs well being.
Summers meant Vacation Bible School,
long walks with scout leaders, library books and
swimming.... swimming.....swimming.
Whenever I think of my early
years of childhood, it's usually
through something triggered
by interacting with my grandchildren.
I have stories just like theirs.
These times are so important....
In their formative years,
they are so vulnerable.
What they see, hear and
read, molds their little
thought patterns and develops
how they will react to life.
In their Christian home,
they are learning that God
makes them grow, giving them minds
and eyes to look at their world.....
and that
He gives them a small voice in their
hearts to help them know right
from wrong.
This week they
are attending Vacation Bible School.
"How was Bible School?" I asked.
"Awesome.....we did crafts, had a
Bible lesson and learned new songs...."
It was then she began singing.....
one of her new songs, and
can I just say the sweetest music
ever heard.
I am Blessed......Dee Dee