Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Hunting For Vintage White

I am drawn to white. I suppose it
gives me a clean palette and from there
I can add color, or take it away if I like.
For a while now, I've been collecting
vintage white....anything usable for the kitchen.
Today I popped into an antique
shop...a favorite place for retail
therapy ....makes my heart happy
when I find a treasure.
Would you
call an old Fire King bowl a treasure?
Or...a vintage white enamal pan?
I do.
I used the pan tonight......really
handy for making biscuits.
Kinda had an old fashioned feel about it,
and I think the biscuits even
tasted better.
I Googled vintage white bowls
this evening and these
photos are from Country Living.
I'm on a mission now.
I love the thrill of hunting antiques.
O, white pear, your flower-tufts thick on the branch
bring summer and ripe fruits in their purple hearts. ~H.D.
Hugs......Dee Dee