Thursday, July 29, 2010

Getting Started.....

I get the same feeling each time I enter
a fabric store. Are you, like me, a bit overwhelmed
with all the beautiful selections? I find it
all irresistible and have to use a lot of
self-control, otherwise my basket would be
toppled over with my favorites.
Yesterday, shopping at Joann's Fabrics,
I limited myself to the fabric
shown. I love the pattern and colors,
to begin my baby quilting endeavors.
This fabric feels like a soft brushed cotton,
lightweight twill.....I have no idea, but
it was in the baby fabric section. The "toile"
design is precious and placed together
with the polka dots....oh my.
Quilting being a whole new learning experience
for me, when it came time to purchase batting
I had no idea.
My selection.....
"Warm & White.
Wonderfully White Needled Cotton Batting
I think I made a good choice, after visiting the
website for the company
My head is spinning with all sorts of ideas,
so I best get started.
Blessings.....Dee Dee