Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I Dreamed A Garden........

I can still remember the days
prior to my retirement. I had worked for many
years, and was pretty much "over it!"
Instead of
slowing down those last few months,
my mind was going
"full steam ahead" with anticipation.
I knew what I
wanted to do and the direction in which
I was headed. I had set goals, and of course
I was also wide open to the spontaneity of life.
Working for me, had been a
distraction....and not the way I
wanted to spend the hours, days, weeks,
months and the years of my life. However,
working was a necessity that I willingly accepted.
Where did all these thoughts come from?
Well, I was listening to Dennis Prager on the
radio today, and he made the
statement that he would never retire,
or quit working, for he was doing what he loved,
that being a "radio talk show host."
Mr. Prager seems to have complete
ownership of his time.....the perfect ideal.
I wonder how many of us think it ideal
to continue working well into old age.
I would have to say, it's kind of nice setting
my own agenda.
"You have to dream things out. It keeps a kind
of an ideal before you. You see it first in your mind
and then you get about to try and make it like the ideal.
If you want a garden.....why, I guess you've got to
dream a garden."
~Bess Streeter Aldrich (A Lantern In Her Hand)
And so it goes....Dee dee