Wednesday, May 12, 2010

We Are All Story Tellers.....

......painting by Dee Dee
Each and every
person born, is a "story teller,"
and at some time in their life...they will
tell a story.
First, let's
clarify what a story is. A story is a
structured set of sentences that relate a
sequence of events.
Our sequence of events, begin at birth.
They will remain in our memories,
and at any given
moment in our future, we can seek them out
and tell them as a story.
As we age, some of our
story details dim, and that's
when you do a little adlibbing or
maybe improvising. Never-the-less
you, and you alone know these stories
and are the one to tell them.
It is interesting,
that in our youth,
as we begin our stories, there are
some we selectivly wish to recall in almost perfect detail.
Dramatic stories,
very happy stories and sometimes very sad stories
remain in perfect clarity, as a rule, for most of our life.
Dramatic story (injury)
Very happy story (a bicycle for Christmas)
Sad story (death of Grandmother)
So what does this have to do with a
bucket of peaches under a water faucet?
This little story is one of my first stories.....
and remembered by me, because it
was a "happy story."
I was five years old, and my best
friends were Phyllis and Helen.
Helen sucked her thumb, was much smaller
than me and Phyllis had long black hair,
that she wore in a "pony tail."
All summer long we played together
outside, in the North Carolina
mountain air, and sunshine.
On this day, we were excited!
We had been promised a treat.
When peaches ripened on the trees,
they were brought
to my home in large baskets.
Our treat was a
bucket placed under an outdoor
faucet, and cool water running over
sweet smelling, pink and yellow fruit.
To three little girls,
these were the sweetest and most
delicious peaches in the world.
We held them to our noses first to
I can still hear our
laughter and giggles as
we ate the first peach really fast.
The second peach was always
savored, eating it slowly, so that
it lasted a long while.
I have many other stories to tell
about myself, Helen and Phyllis.
I've told them before to my
grandchildren, keeping them
simple, to hold their attention.
The best part of telling them stories
is, one day I will be part of the stories they tell.
So, you see....we are all story tellers.
Blessings.....Dee Dee