Wednesday, May 19, 2010

.....pining away

To know me, is to know my ways
have been greatly
influenced by North Carolina mountain
folks, good people from Kentucky,
and Pennsylvania...and
the fine folks from South Carolina.
When we moved to Florida, many years
ago, I felt right at home here in
the "melting pot" of these United States.
Seldom, does one meet a true Floridian, for we've
all been transplanted from one place
or another. We all speak lovingly of
the places we "come from," and, we've all
at one time or another "pined" (longed for
intensely) for those places from
whence we came.
When I placed these pretty Daisies on my
dining table this week, I found
myself "pining away" for the mountains and
the flat lands of South Carolina.
It is there I remember valleys with these
beautiful white flowers.
A little longing today.........but all happy thoughts.
Dee Dee