Sunday, May 2, 2010

"So I said to her.....

"'va ne'va, expose your delicate,
perfectly lovely and, eva' so sensitive
skin to the sun."....." Why dahlin'
a "southern lady" would just
ne'va, ne'va ev'va do such a thing."
We walked on the beach again this
afternoon, and it occured to me
that young ladies of today,
are not so concerned with exposing
their skin to the sun.
I can remember doing the same thing
when I was much younger.
These days, I can be seen
sitting in the sun for shorter periods
of time.....while
wearing one very large brimmed hat
or sitting beneath a very large umbrella.
From all I've read....we'd all better
use some precaution while having
fun in the sun....
Let's put on a good sunscreen to protect us
and read up on the dangers of over-exposing ourselves
to the sun.
Have a great week.....Dee Dee
click on painting to enlarge