Tuesday, May 4, 2010

......gender partners

A daughter is a mother's gender partner....
her closest ally in the family confederacy,
and extension of her self.
And mothers and their daughter's role,
model their biological and emotional road map,
the arbiter of all their relationships~Victoria Secunda
Mother and daughter are in the above photo,
once again in the theme of "Mother's Day"....
While walking on the beach late
Sunday afternoon...
I happened upon this beautiful setting
of quiet time between a
mother and daughter.
Taking turns placing
their hand down in a hole filled with water,
they brought out dripping wet sand,
building a sand castle together.
Smiling at one another,
their conversation was quiet,
meant only for the two of them.
I think the photo captures this
sweet sweet moment between
mother and daughter... "gender partners."
Blessings.....Dee Dee
click on photo to see sweet details enlarged....