Wednesday, May 5, 2010

"The Lady In The Blue Tasseled Hat

.....No one knew who she was
when she checked into the Chelsea Hotel
that hot summer afternoon in 1957.
The inhabitants there would consider
her a woman of mystery. She was
friendly with no one and her penetrating
blue eyes seemed sad, as though they
were locked on sadness, still somewhere in her past.
The lady in apartment #102
lived a secluded life and never had visitors.
Deliveries were made and left by her door.
did she leave her apartment,
and when she did,
she always wore a "blue
tasseled hat."
Whispers and speculations were made
by the doorman and the desk clerk,
and they often wondered if she were a spy.
And then....
late one night the desk clerk answered a
call from her apartment. Her voice had
sounded faint, but it had been clear she
wanted him to come at once.
Having knocked on the door, he had heard
her say "Come in, the door is open."
The apartment was dark, but he could see
her silhouette standing between french
doors that opened onto a balcony.
The neon lights
from the Chelsea Hotel sign
blinked on and off and the clerk could
see the woman was wearing a long chiffon
gown, and the "blue tasseled hat."
She held a cigarette in her hand and
the smoke encircled her head.
"I knew you'd come," she said.
It's been a long time......
The clerk realized she had mistaken him
for someone else,
perhaps someone she once knew........ to be continued.
It seems.....
that my drawings are generating
characters right out of good ole mystery novels....
....having a good time with my imagination
when I bring out my pencils and watercolors.
Good blessings.....Dee Dee