Wednesday, May 5, 2010

cont......Blue Tasseled Hat

"I entered the room just like she told me to. She
kept calling me Sam and at first I tried explaining
my name wasn't Sam, that she was mistaking me
for someone else. She wasn't listening to me
and kept talking, saying something about this
being the date we had planned to go away together."
"Man, I just wanted to get out of there when
I noticed the bottle of pills turned
over on the table."
"I've waited for you to come back, she said. I
knew you would come and I'm wearing your
favorite dress and the hat that always made
you smile when I wore it."
"I could barely make out the hat as the
Hotel Chelsea sign kept blinking off and on.
"I wasn't going to touch her officer, I swear....
but suddenly she said, "Kiss me Sam"
and I kissed her."
"Officer, I swear, I tried to talk some sense into
her." I said, "Lady, you got the wrong guy!"
As the detective walked out into the night air, he
knew the kid had been telling the truth.
He had heard these stories before, where
a jilted woman unable to get through the clouds,
gets swallowed up in the city and then one day......
No one knew anything about her, not even her name.
She was known only as the
"The Lady In The Blue Tassled Hat." Dee Dee