Monday, August 30, 2010

Contributing To A Healthy Lifestyle..... with orange flesh and rough skin.....
"Look for a ripe one, you will
know, for it has a bright
orange color."
Our selection was "perfection"
I thought as I prepared this beautiful melon.
Placed beside scrambled cheese eggs
on our breakfast plate, this morning,
I marveled at
the cantaloupe (muskmelon) and it's
pure summer sweetness.
More so than ever before,
we're trying to eat
balanced meals here at the cottage.
I've been advised,
that by making it a complete lifestyle focus,
my immune system
will function at it's peak.
A good thing....I believe.
I'm finding it takes
very little effort,
I'm feeling much healthier
and the process of food preparation
is indeed
quite enjoyable.
Remaining positive in thoughts......Dee Dee