Friday, January 30, 2009

The Hours Seem To Fly By....

Okay now.....that cold weather has trickled down our way, resulting in my staying inside today. You guessed it, once my "home duties" were accomplished, I set down at the computer. It amazes me how the hours seem to fly by once I make contact with the desk chair...have you noticed this to be true in your case? At my fingertips .... anything and everything....current news (Drudge Report, Politico.....) all updated at any given moment, weather, music, BLOGS (my favorite), Netflix(order movies instantly), Google (research)and of course retail shopping (anywhere and everywhere). My list could go on forever. I suppose one has to put restrictions on this form of we have to? We must I believe or what becomes of our social life, our friendships and health?? Well, I have clear indications that I spend way too much time at the well manicured nails have been chipping away at the keys, leaving certain letters no longer legible. A typist for many years this is not a problem for me, but I might say, it has become quite a challenge for the mister.....Hmmm, let me pop over to the Drudge and see how that "stimulus package is doing in the Senate......