Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Painting by Victor Gilbert
Happiness held is the seed; happiness shared is the flower.~Author Unknown
I suppose it's a sign of the times, but have you noticed all the negatives out across our land? A lot of people are hurting and in many different ways. I may be one person, but I can help make it better for a few. I will love my neighbor as myself. I've already began sending out cards to friends that have health issues and I am ready to bring out my "Tea Ministry" once again. I will visit new moms, the sick, the lonely and those who are grieving. When the year 2009 comes to an end, I want to look back and see where I might have made a difference somewhere along the way. I can and I will bring a bit of happiness where ever it may be needed.... It is so true, happiness held is the seed, but happiness shared is the flower.