Saturday, April 10, 2010


Don't say you don't have enough time.
You have exactly the same number of hours
per day that were given to
Helen Keller, Pasteur,
Michaelangelo, Mother Teresa,
Leonardo de Vinci, Thomas Jefferson and
Albert Einstein.
~H. Jackson Brown Jr.
I can just hear myself saying the words
"I would like to, but I just haven't the time."
You know....I don't think time, has a whole
lot to do with our failures to accomplish
certain tasks, or succeed in our goals.
At least in my case, I have a
list a mile long of "wanttodos"....
I really think those I've mentioned, had
their priorities straight and great organizational
skills. A couple of them are great role
models. In their day and time
you might say they were on the list of
"movers and shakers".....those, when asked
to do something would get the job done. more excuses. I do have the time!!
I will set priorities, organize, limit time on computer
and rejoice as I reach old goals and set new ones.
.....feeling confident
Dee Dee