Friday, April 16, 2010

Featuring The Sea Grape

Today we purchased our annual passes for
island fun, all summer long.
The signs said "Event"
this way....
The roads are all one-way on Honeymoon
Island State Park, and with a speed limit of 15 miles per hour,
we meandered along, for a while,
looking for the activities celebrating "Earth Day."
Completely in awe of nature around us,
springtime on this land, surrounded by the waters of the
Gulf Of Mexico, is breathtakingly beautiful.
We expected to see how the
winter temperatures had affected the plants
on the island, knowing they had received freeze damage.
What we found, was nature at it's best
with lovely plants all coming back to life.
The Sea Grape was absolutely breathtakingly beautiful.
My "Header" today allows for a good view
of the lush vegetation on the island, featuring the Sea Grape.
Used to seeing them in lovely green colors,
I was surprised to see new
growth is actually in various shades of reds yellows and orange.
I took so many photos of the Sea Grape plants,
I will have to post on them again this week.
We'll visit the island often, for we are loving this part of the good earth
Blessings.....Dee Dee
Click on photo to enlarge greatly....