Sunday, April 25, 2010

Potted Dahlia in the Courtyard

Our neighbors were
an older couple, with a passion for
flower gardening.
I'll be forever grateful to them, for
their kindness to me, the summer when
I was thirteen years old.
They taught me the names of all
the flowers in their beautiful garden,
and how to care for them.
In turn,
I helped them with weed control.
The Dahlia that grew in abundance there,
was one of my favorites.
This week, I found Dahlias,
for the first time since moving to
Florida, in a local nursery.
"Why, look at you sittin' all
pretty on that table.....well now,
I think I'll bring you home with me,
and place you in a fine clay pot."
I didn't actually talk to the Dahlia,
I was just thinking that in my mind.
Hmmm.... supposing it's an old
fashioned woman kind of thing to do.
Blessings.....Dee Dee