Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Sweet Roses and One Serious Critter

He hath made everything beautiful in His time. Ec. 3:11

I see these little "knockout roses" just
about everywhere these days. They are
perfect in my landscaping around the pool.
Drought tolerant and disease
resistant, they need no special treatment,
unlike "Hybrid Tea" roses.
Around President's Day, I pruned them
back, and this spring, they have come
back strong and healthy. As you can
see, they are blooming profusely!
I can hardly
keep up with all the new and exciting
things happening out in the garden with
"Mother Nature"
I could have done without that ole
"Stink Bug" that showed up this
afternoon. It was some serious "critter."
Loving it all.....Dee Dee
click on the pretty