Thursday, April 1, 2010

.....follow your dreams

Once upon a time.....
......and they lived happily ever after.
As a child, many of the books I read,
began and ended this way.
I've never strayed far from this
kind of reading material, and even
as an adult, I want happy endings
in the stories I read.
Life has enough negatives, I say, without
introducing sadness into my thoughts.
My bookshelves are crowded with
wonderful old children's books.
Not only do I read them to my
grandchildren, I am contented to
spend time alone, studying the illustrations.
I continue to learn and remind
myself often that it's never too
late to follow your dreams.
So, I continue to draw and paint what I love most....
life, children, animals, small cottages and nature.
Counting my blessings....Dee Dee