Saturday, December 13, 2008

"Welcome To My Home"

A wreath on our front door is a custom we follow each Christmas , and most homes we visit seem to have one as well. They're all different and they all seem to have the same message ....."you are mightily welcomed." Each year my wreath is different. Something I've seen in a magazine or in the shops seems to inspire me as to how I will decorate it. A movie has even influenced my Christmas wreath design in the past. In the movie Little Women, the mother opens the front door and places an evergreen wreath adorned with a plaid fabric, rag bow. Somehow I saw a message in that old rag bow. The March family, experiencing hard times, still had Christmas in their hearts. My family thought our wreath odd that year and wondered at the plain rag bow. I suppose I might have been thinking the bow somewhat symbolic of the simplicity of the manger where the Christ child was born. In any case, with good intentions my wreath that year might have had the message..."you are mightily welcomed to our humble home."