Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Magnificent Osprey Bird

Osprey.......Google Images
My photo...Osprey Nest in center....
Not too far from my home is a beautiful lake. This is a place that attracts many forms of wildlife. Visitors to Florida, should know that not only do our lakes have frogs, snakes and turtles, they are most likely to have alligators. Here at this small lake, I have observed White Egrets, the Blue Heron and beautiful White Ibis, usually seen in groupings. The Ibis, heads down, having long pointed beaks, enjoy grazing along the water's edge. My favorite reason for visiting this lake, is my hopes in catching a glimpse of the magnificent Osprey bird. The photo shown is a tall pine tree, beside the lake......home to the Osprey. This day, I was lucky. I did see the bird as it screamed loudly while circling the tree, until finally landing on the nest. Take my word for it, the Osprey is there in the photo, way up high in the beautiful Florida sky. Click on photos....
Blessings...... Dee Dee