Monday, November 23, 2009

Missing Billy Graham

When I was growing up, our family seldom broke with tradition. We lived in the mountains of North Carolina, smack dab in the middle of the "Bible Belt." This meant Sunday morning church, Sunday evenings "Training Union" at church, and finally ending the day, watching Billy Graham preach on television. Oh yes, the day was for family, rest and worship.
I heard today, that Sarah Palin, in North Carolina on her book tour, was invited to the home of Billy Graham. Now that's a great big endorsement for Sarah, as far as I'm concerned. To have Billy Graham approve of what your doing, just plain ole puts the "evil doers" in their places. When you have Billy Graham praying for you and talking to God about you, how can you go wrong? When your on the side of right, you have nothing to fear.
I sure would like to visit Billy Graham. I have a feeling he's not so much worried about what is happening with all those folks in Washington. I would just like to hear him tell me it's going to be alright. I know it is, but I would just like to hear it from him. I think he would tell me,
"God is the One in charge.....just sit back and watch the Master at work." I think Billy Graham would tell me...."When they make a complete mess of things, they'll turn to the One that directed the "Founding Fathers." "These were not perfect men, but they knew our nation should be "One Nation Under God." By the way.....that would be the Christian God. The same one we celebrate at Christmas. Hmmm.....I sure am missing Billy Graham.....
Blessings.... Dee Dee