Sunday, February 22, 2009
We May As Well Enjoy The View
While tidying up the kitchen tonight, I began thinking of the minutes, hours, days and years I've spent in that location, doing the same ritual. Oddly enough, I've quite enjoyed it and still do. Does that sound peculiar or somewhat strange? When cleaning the kitchen, my routine is so repetitive that I can mindlessly and without any effort at all, finish the task while thinking and planning something entirely different. Some of my best plans have been thought of and carried out at the kitchen sink, like balancing the whole motherhood thing, potty training ideas ....preparing formula, my wifely duties... calling out vocabulary words and packing school lunches. I've planned graduation celebrations, weddings, birthday parties and baby showers there. Now days, the space has taken on a different meaning to me. My life is more simplified and I'm finding contentment in this place at the sink. I'm still preparing foods, thinking and planning. I'm still tidying up, but I have company now. I'm with my favorite guy of many many years, and it's just the two of us. We're there each day, talking, laughing and sometimes making plans. I've decorated that small window sill over the kitchen sink.... I'm thinking as many hours as we spend there, we may as well enjoy the view........