Wednesday, January 20, 2010

It turned out, we were not alone.........

Osprey...notice lady friend on lower branch to the right.....
White Egret roosting.....neck scrunched down, standing on one leg.

The Mister and I walk there often. Lovely old homes set back just far enough from the water, to consider it safe during storms. A dirt road winds along the water's edge, allowing enough space for grasses and flower gardens. It is a place we find always peaceful, and seldom do we see more than one or two people at a time. Today, we were alone as we walked, or so we had thought. First noticing a large shadow moving across the grasses, we looked up in time to see a magnificent Osprey land overhead, in a tall pine tree. An incredible sight to see, these birds have wingspans of five to six feet. The white Egret, seen while walking the same path, was settled on a limb of a dead tree. Standing on one leg, I'd say he was taking a winter's roost. He hardly noticed the clicking of my camera, only moving at all to stretch his neck now and then. We're never disappointed when we can interact a little with nature...
Blessings.... Dee Dee click on photos...