Friday, January 22, 2010

Tulips and Tea

I want to do so much today. Have you ever wondered how Ben Franklin accomplished so much, in so little time? And haven't you ever wondered if he took all that advice in his almanac. "Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man happy wealthy and wise."

It rained hard last night and the wind, lightening and thunder woke me up. I opened the window just a little and the noises from the storm lulled me back to sleep eventually. But......
I slept late and that has given me a slow start for the day.

The tulips have brightened the dining table and I think I will sit there to study my BSF Bible lesson today.

I'm drinking tea and feeling a little silly already thinking of spring. That's what tulips do to me. Why, I've even had a moment or two of Easter thoughts.

Blessings..... Dee Dee