Thursday, January 7, 2010

Prayer Needed

Migrant Workers by Joseph Sheppard
We received an email from our church yesterday, informing us of an emergency taking place at the migrant camps, located in central Florida. The weather is much colder than usual, and the temperatures have remained close to freezing for several days now.....unusual for Florida. Blankets and warm clothing were desperately needed. In no time at all, a large number of blankets, and money were on the way, destined for the missionaries that live close to the camp. These people have spent most of their life helping the migrant workers. The shabby trailers they live in, provided by the land owners, are in a continual state of disrepair. There is no heat, and holes in the floor, allow for large fruit rats to enter these deplorable places.....threatening with disease. Sadly, families with small children and babies live in these wretched living conditions. Several churches in the area continue to help, giving a portion of tithes and offerings to provide clothing, blankets and food, money and, even spend time daily tutoring migrant school children. More can be done, for there are so many.
Words by Francis of Assisi ....I'm thinking they may apply here....
Remember that when you leave this earth, you can take nothing you have received...but only what you have given; a full heart enriched by honest service love, sacrifice and courage.
Tonight I'm thinking of the struggles of these beautiful families, and I hope they are more comfortable now and warmer. Please pray for them. Dee Dee