Friday, November 21, 2008

Rustic Grandeur

From the looks of this fine old rusty gate, you would think it has seen it's better days. Not so true, coming from a lady that appreciates "yard art." This old gate with it's timeless beauty has a perfect spot, leaning against a fence, surrounded by branches of a drawf Crape Myrtle tree. Personally I like the looks of the whole affair, summer, fall, winter and spring. Now it is fall, and the old gate can be seen from top to bottom, allowing appreciation for all it's rustic grandeur. In the summer, the Crape Myrtle has an abundance of leaves and masses of gorgeous fuchsia blooms. The gate, barely seen, enhances the Myrtle's showing with bits of it's metal elegance. But for now, we're enjoying the evidence of Fall. With tiny red and brown leaves, there is evidence of the blooms having ceased, with the appearance of brown pea size clusters of berries. The gate has been in this location of the garden for quite some time now, seeming somewhat like an old familiar friend.....