Monday, November 24, 2008

Holidays At The Beach

In most parts of the country, fall is in the air. Here on the Gulf Coast of Florida the same thing is happening.....well, lets put it this way....the weather is a little cooler. Gone are the temps in the 90s and now our daytime temps are in the high 70s. Needless to say, we are loving it! This past year they completed the Clearwater Memorial Bridge. As you can see from the photos, this is a gorgeous structure, and it leads to some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. It may be hard to get your head around the idea of celebrating Thanksgiving and Christmas here, but we do. Frolicking on the beaches can be put on hold for a while. This coming Thursday, tables will be laden with Turkey and all the trimmings. Do we have pumpkin pie? Absolutely....most likely on the same desert plate with a nice slice of Key Lime Pie.....Busy times around here preparing for the holidays, even at the beach.....