Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I'm Encouraged By Some Things.....

It's morning....another beautiful day in one of the greatest nation's on God's earth. When things look bleak and gloomy to some folks, I usually try to find good. I'm an optimist. I'm praying for our new President Elect, and my prayer is that God will do good things through this man. That he, along with the people of this nation, will experience revival and conviction. Throughout history, men in this position have found the position more than they can handle alone. President Elect Obama has said he is a Christian. This is a good thing, for he will need the help of the "true" God. While reading the morning paper, I have been encouraged by some things. Looks like marriage between man and woman is safe for a while longer in this great state of Florida. Now, that's a great big "Praise the Lord".....