Tuesday, November 18, 2008

New Eyewear

My eye exam began sort of like this today.....

My new eyewear is sort of like these.....
Well if it just don't beat all! I have been noticing my eyes have changed, and best of all, for the better.....been taking my glasses off more and more. Seems I can see better without them. I've been blaming it all on sitting at the computer for long periods of time, visiting my favorite Blogs and all the other places that keep me glued to the Internet. It's a good thing...the information age is here and I'm staying on top of it all, or at least trying to. So, today I had an appointment with my Opotomologist. Things were looking good he said...no problems...and I'm seeing better out of both eyes. He said it wasn't uncommon, for as we grow older it happens sometimes. Whatever.... The fun part of the whole day, was selecting new eyewear. Have you noticed all the great styles now? It's enough to make contact lens a hard sell. I looked for those great frames worn by Sarah Palin, but they were not to be found. I'm pleased with my selection... again I selected black frames. Just part of who I am, I suppose. I also got some great Tortoise Shell frames for my single vision glasses to wear when I'm sitting at this computer. All in all, today was quite productive. This evening I have that good feeling of accomplishment....hmmmm