Sunday, November 2, 2008


Blanchett did an amazing portrayal of the Queen in Elizabeth the Golden Years. My oh my...I was completely intrigued by her wardrobe, to say the least. As a result of watching the movie, I have a far more healthier respect for Queen Elizabeth. Can you only imagine for a moment what an accomplishment in itself to live in a cold drafty castle, have an entourage responsible for helping you bathe and then the ordeal of dressing in all that garb each day? Then of course the dreaded task of choosing a wig. I can honestly say, the jewelry problem at all for me there....the lady had some fine jewelry. I'm exhausted just thinking about her day to day duties. Seriously, I do admire this Queen...would not have wanted to walk in her shoes. Seems she had a castle full of folks just wanting to do her harm.