I've been doing some serious thinking lately, mostly about the progress we've made in America, just during my lifetime. Some folks seem intent on changing our way of life by reversing our forward movement. I'm not liking what I'm hearing. Some suggestions for conservation, with sacrifice by the population, sound all so familiar to me, and not in a good kind of way. I remember when we had no choice in the matter and we just quite naturally used some of these methods, back in the "good ole days." I suppose doing without air conditioning, one could save energy, but do I want to turn the clock back to days of window fans on hot sultry days? Washing clothes in cold water not such a bad thing, but hanging clothes out to dry to avoid using the dryer, I'm just not so sure. Seems like yesterday,my standing at an ironing board with a mountain of sprinkled clothes. Walk instead of riding they say, and use mass transit....they are unlikely choices. This is a good one.....take cold showers. Turn the hot water heater off!!! I looked up the word "progress" in the dictionary. It means, a forward movement, advance. I like this one...a gradual betterment. Oh yes, I've seen it all come and now, they want me to see it go. I find it interesting and enlightening when reading about ingenious Americans like Edison, Bell, and Ford. They made a difference and made life easier and better for all of us. Just seems like the folks in charge don't quite have it right. The vision for America was to go forward, improve life for all it's citizens, with all sorts of new and innovative ideas. Seems to me we have a handful of questionable talkers making the decisions for us all. Disney World's "Carousel Of Progress" has a good story line. Living in a free society is how to make it happen. God has blessed this nation with an abundance of natural resources and we need to use them. It would be really nice if some of these narcissistic folks would just give it a rest on this global warming thing. As long as man dreams, works and builds together we will continue going forward. These are, the best times of our lives!