I've heard it said that motherhood is meant for the young, and I'm more inclined than ever before to believe this is true. Often times I see young mothers at the beach with small children. A day planned at the beach requires colossal amounts of energy and planning. On a recent trip to the beach these were my observations. Upon arrival at the beach, coins were placed in the meter and then the "high energy" mother went into an amazing plan of action. The back of the SUV opened, making visible, the inside, packed with all sorts of beach day paraphernalia. All was unloaded, and the mother began pulling a cart toward the water, while at the same time holding a small child. She had two toddlers walking along side, as she made her way through the white sand. She scoped the area, and eventually settled in a place, that to her, seemed the perfect location. Her concentration was a thing of beauty as she led her brood along. Without hesitation, she unloaded an umbrella, cooler, towels, beach chairs, beach bag and beach toys. On her person, she had a diaper bag that held pampers, wipes, baby bottles and dry clothing. After setting things up, she began putting suntan lotion on all children, carefully warning each not to rub their eyes. Hats and glasses were next, carefully placed on each child. They were given juice boxes and told to remain seated until "Mommy" was ready. Baby was tethered to a beach chair, carefully shaded and placed on a cherished family quilt. Radio music was heard as the mother brought out sand buckets and toys. A moment of hesitation was taken as she greeted an acquaintance, seemingly a girlfriend, with small children of her own. This mother, with focused concentration, in no time at all, made ready for her "little ones" and the beach day experience began. Whew!!!....Yes, motherhood is, for the young, or perhaps for the very energetic. click on painting for better look at what baby is doing.....