I have always felt the phrase "once upon a time," to have extraordinary power. Upon hearing those four little words, the mind quiets down, becoming almost hesitant like, in anticipation of what is about to happen. The brain knows that something enlightening or astonishing will eventually be disclosed. Have you ever watched a child's face upon hearing this beginning to a story or a fairy tale? No other beginning has so much control in quieting or settling little children down. This phrase has been used in some form since 1380, in storytelling in the English language. Often times, these same stories end with ...."and they lived happily ever after." In oral storytelling, I've been known to use the phrase myself.......just sounds a little more dramatic and mysterious to begin with "Once upon a time, a young princess took a walk, all by herself in the woods......the frog turns into a prince.......and surely at some point they lived happily ever after. Blessings for you this weekend...... Dee Dee