Friday, April 10, 2009

Celebrating Poetry Month

Picture Puzzle Piece by Shel Silverstien
One picture puzzle piece lying on a sidewalk,
One picture puzzle piece soakin in the rain.
It might be a button of blue on the coat of the woman
who lived in a shoe.
It might be a magical bean, or a fold in the red
velvet robe of a queen.
It might be the one little bite of the apple her
stepmother gave to Snow White.
It might be a veil of the bride or a bottle with some
evil genie inside.
It might be a small tuff of hair on the big bouncy
belly of Bo Bo the Bear.
It might be a bit of the cloke of the witch of the West as
she melted to smoke.
It might be a shadowy trace of a tear that runs down
an angel's face.
Nothing has more possibilities
Than one old wet picture puzzle piece.

You've probably heard of Shel Silverstein and quite possibly have read one of his many books. But, did you know that not only did he write children's books, he was a song writer, screenwriter, composer, cartoonist and a poet? You might know of The Giving Tree, a moving story about the love of a tree for a boy. Silverstein once talked of the difficult time he had trying to get the book published. Everybody loved it, they were touched by it, they would read it and cry and say it was beautiful. Some thought it too short. Ultimately, both adults and children embraced the book. What a legacy, thank you "Mr. Shelby" for everything. Enjoy the Shel Silverstein website at: