Friday, April 3, 2009

Awakened By The Rain

The rain awakened me early this morning, even before daybreak. I lied there listening as it splashed against the windows, realizing the wind was not only blowing, but the rain was coming down in great sudden brief rushes. Large palm trees are right outside my windows and I could hear the fronds swishing back and forth making loud sweeping brushing sounds. I love a rain storm and not satisfied hearing it muted, I opened a window ever so slightly and placed my hand out into the night. I became completely aware and in awe of how even more powerful and amazing the storm had become when using most of my senses. Marveling at the power of "mother nature," I could hear the wind blowing and the rain splashing in the pool, on the deck and against the windows. Cupping my hand, I began catching the rain, feeling the wetness, knowing how it was cleansing all in it's path. With the storm came the fragrance that is always present when rain meets the earth, it was ever so sweet and agreeable to my soul. Oddly enough, the disturbance in the night had given me a feeling of well being....the Creator of the universe does a mighty and great work. I went back to sleep with no effort at all........