Thursday, June 24, 2010

Think On This.....

Life-a tide, with an ebb and a flow,
tossing you high, smashing you low.
Sometimes you ride on the crest of the wave;
Sometimes-in the pit of a bottomless cave.........
I hope that life's more than a coming and going,
more than a storm-battered undertowing-
only touching the shoreline and never the shore.
Surely life is a promise, not mystic lore:
a chance to aim and to reach for the sun,
gaining strength from trials tenaciously won;
holding a towline to others "at sea,"
adrift in the tide of humanity.
~Barbara A. McDowell
During these past few weeks, I've
been tossed a few towlines
and for this I am
most grateful.
Love and hugs......Dee Dee