Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A Symbolically Pink.....Butterfly

Many of you visiting my Blog each day,
precious family and friends,
know, I now belong to a
of the many
women who are stricken
"breast cancer."
My journey, thus far..... has had peaks and valleys,
In a short time....much has happened in my life.
It all began with fear,
that brought me to prayer,
and long conversations with my God.
The results....thankfully, a
"peace that passes all understanding."
I will trust Him.
I will tell you, there are many wonderfully compassionate
and loving new people in my life now,
all responsible for my well being and treatment....
the doctors, surgeons, oncologists, nurses
I consider them all earthly angels sent to me by God.
More earthly angels....
are my dear friends and family...
How many ways can you show caring, encouragement
and love?......
You've done them all .....May God bless you all, and
know that my heart is filled with love for each of you.
Many of you have
prayed for me without ceasing, and for this,
I feel completely blessed and
will be forever grateful.
I believe in the
power of prayer,
and that all prayers are heard
and answered by our loving God.
"...Lord, help me stand on your promises.
You are in control. You know the plan.
Give quietness to my shaking heart
and calmness in the midst of any
fear I might have." ~
So, I am doing really well....the surgery is behind me now
and my treatments begin soon.
I continue to have that
promised peace and complete joy
in my heart.
I will continue to trust God completely and
relish in all His many blessings...
Hugs & Love, Dee Dee