Wednesday, June 9, 2010

sigh....another beautiful day

I know what your thinking...why in the world
would anyone enjoy hanging out the laundry.
Maybe these photos will clear up any questions
you might have.
There's just something about greeting the
day, early morning the garden.
The birds are singing....especially the
mother Mockingbird that has two
little babies to feed. She made her nest
in a shrub that is eye level and we've
been watching.
And then, there's the morning shadows
across the pool, and the Crape Myrtle's
just blooming all over the place.....
Over the white linen pillow cases,
and sheets....
I survey it all.
These are all good reasons, right?
And then, I'm getting a bit of Vitamen D, a good thing as well.
So, it's another beautiful day and
I wish you good blessings.....
Dee Dee