Thursday, June 3, 2010 many simple blessings

Shabby blue galvanized bucket and
sweet yellow flowers,
I say
make a delightful combination.
Lovingly looking on each day at them,
today, I watched as a
little bloom was on it's way out...
yet still, I thought it beautiful in
it's own way.
The week is passing
quickly, and I
have a calendar filling up with
important dates.
I wonder if everyone found
things to do inside today....the
temps were in the mid 90s...
I filled the birdbath for our little friends,
and thought of them again
as we ended the day
watching hard rain drops
hitting the pool water.
.....feeling thankful for that,
having set out more bedding plants.
Life has so many simple
blessings, that many of us miss
along the way.
I encourage you to keep your
eyes and ears open...they are plentiful.
Lord bless....Dee Dee