Saturday, June 19, 2010

......they're from my Beloved

.....for my birthday.
The card from my dear friend read...
This birthday will
certainly be memorable, as it comes during
this most challenging time of your life.
But, I know you will have a "wing ding"
celebration of LIFE!
All week long I've received
cards, filled with
happy thoughts and birthday wishes
In addition....
reminders of sweet prayers
for me.....
The phone calls
from my children blessed my heart.
The grandchildren sang to me,
and I think I detected
each little individual voice.
.....I'm quite sure of the
two year old
"Happy birthday dear "Booteeee"
happy birthday to you...."
is ordering Chinese food..
we will have candle light
and birthday cake.
Feeling blessed this evening....
and from my heart I thank you all.
Love & Hugs.....Dee Dee