Wednesday, March 10, 2010

.....a wistful yearning

Call me old fashioned
and you would be so right.
This week I've been
taking advantage of the
beautiful weather by doing
a bit of spring cleaning.
We've had an absolutely
splendidly gorgeous winter
and now,we're having
"icing on the cake"
an even more beautiful spring.'ve noticed the clothesline....?
Have you ever had a wistful yearning for
something from the past? This spring
cleaning has brought back sweet memories
of days gone by......back to my babies, and
me hanging out diapers by the basket load.
So, the Mister accommodated my longing,
and put up a clothesline, right outside,
by the swimming pool.
It looks adorable...if one can call
a clothesline adorable...that is.
So....this morning bright and early I was
hanging bed linens out to dry in the
cool coastal breezes.
....and yes, I was of those
"died and went to heaven moments."
Just doesn't take a lot
to bring a smile to my ole heart.
I hope your having that kind of day too....
Feeling really blessed
......Dee Dee