Tuesday, March 23, 2010

.....look who's hopping around on my desk!

Resting on my desk,
is this little bird
Now and then, I wind him up
and he hops all around.
He came to his position,
in my home,
by way of Michael's Craft Store.
It was not my intention
to buy a hopping bird today.
My story....
Have you noticed the dollar
bins by the check-out lines,
of stores where mostly
women frequent?
The greatest marketing idea
of the century, I believe.
It has been my observation, that
most women find these products
irresistible, and are compelled to
pick up and handle almost every
single item in these bins. Nine times
out of ten, she will buy at least one thing.
My one thing today, was a hopping
wind-up plastic green bird.
I am not ashamed.....
Dee Dee