Monday, March 8, 2010

gardening good for the soul....

A little more difficult these days,
on the ole back and knees, I've been gardening.
Looking really nice now, I've been pruning the Snow Bushes
and setting out sweet
lavender Lantana.
Any effort in the garden now,
will be enjoyed
all summer long...

can clear away the fog
of the
noisy, fast, techno world,
the mindless focus on the
clutter of trivia.
Gardening attunes us to
life's struggles for
Gardening every day
through the seasons
keeps us in touch with the
cycle of life.
~words from the book
"Gardening Good For The Soul"
author unknown
In the garden this morning,
the sun was nice and warm
promising a good day.
Surveying all the tiny little flowers
on my newly planted Lantana plants,
made my heart happy.
While there
in the garden,
a Sea Gull,
circled overhead.
The usual squawking racket,
got my attention, but I didn't mind.
Spring gardening sort of makes me have the
same happy
Blessings.....Dee Dee