Monday, October 20, 2008

A Very Great Somebody

Portrait of Martha Washington by Gilbert Stuart
Martha Washington's wedding dress and jewels.....
Continuing on with my fascination and very clear interest in Colonial era history. In reading First Ladies by Carl Anthony, I'm completely intrigued by all the questions answered, and wonder that we all have not been just a bit more curious of the women behind the very influential men in the White House. In Anthony's book, he writes of Martha Washington .....If Providence itself had divinely intervened, a woman who better looked and played the part could not have been found. She seemed always surrounded in white-white muslins, white satins, white dusters, white mobcaps, white hair. The simplicity made her classic, in the words of a European, like a "Roman matron." If she did not adapt well to the latest style of the Continental beau monde, she had an inbred, timeless grace. Somehow, here in this kindly yet staid grandmother, there was an absolutely brilliant balance between Queen and commoner. A woman who was equally herself through the already legendary winter at Valley Forge and the regal English courts of Williamsburg gentry. She was filled with as much humility as grandness. Martha was as noble as George, but her naturalness seemed apparent, whereas he stayed noble. Oh yes, I am quite fascinated with this lady and am quite eager to know more about her....I continue to read.....