Monday, October 20, 2008

Abigail Smith Adams/President John Adams

If you look the word passion up in the dictionary, you will find it means: A powerful emotion or appetite. All during my life I have had several things I have felt passionate about. My latest passion is one of discovery and research. I have always been interested in this great nation of ours, the United States of America. I now have a passion for history, to know of those who made a difference, what were their passions and what did they accomplish and how. Like most, I learned just enough in school to be informed a little. Back then I had too many distractions to actually want to know more, to know it all. Lately I have watched the HBO miniseries John Adams. John Adams had a vision of a nation of liberty and justice for all. I've also watched Amazing Grace, a story of how one man's passion and perseverance changed the world. I am reading about America's first ladies and how they influenced their husbands. Abigail Adams was a great woman, a great Farmess and a great first lady. She loved and supported her husband completely and together they had a passion to do good for their country. They shared in it all. In a letter to her husband John Adams, the second president of the United States she says....

How often do I reflect with pleasure that I hold in possession a heart equally warm with my own, and fully, as susceptable of tenderest impressions, and who even now, whilst he is reading here, feels all I describe. Ah yes....they were even passionate about each other....